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Projects we support


Rockets for Schools

Since May 1995 there has been rockets launched from the shoreline of Lake Michigan at Sheboygan, Wisconsin and some of those missiles were classified by NASA as being sub orbital flights making the area of the Sheboygan harbor a Space Port. It was designated as such by the Florida Spaceport Authority, so on the day of the rocket launch, the area is designated Spaceport Wisconsin. The Rockets for Schools program has been organized to instruct Students of grades 5-12 in the disciplines of rocket design operation. The students build their own rockets and bring them to Sheboygan on the two days of the exposition. Friday is taken up with instruction and briefing on the part that each student would take in Saturday's launch schedule. Some were assigned as controllers in Mission Control, some were assigned to the Recovery Team and Range Safety Team. Our participation was and is to help where we can as an organization. We have helped with the program since its inception, and have had a booth at the exposition every year of the program. I would be remiss if I were not to tell you of the feature launch of the program, which was the launch of the LOKI sub-orbital rocket that was launched on Saturday afternoon. It is a NASA sounding rocket that would attain an altitude of fifty (50) miles. Upon firing the missile would be out of sight in a matter of seconds, Bang, Whoosh, and all you see is a streak of smoke trail against the deep blue sky.

The NTES Facility Project

This project was began on March 11, 1996. The name of the project is called Nuclear Thermal Engine Simulator (NTES). The Engine will be an electrically heated expansion chamber. This will be used to test requirements for small electrically heated engines and thrusters.


Summary of Project:

The project is to be a learning experience and the NTES is to be only one in the body of a greater experiment. Other parts of this project is to test the techniques of building of Moon habitat type structures and to set the foundation for the next step experiment, the Hybrid Ion Reactor Engine (HIRE) which will be the next step in construction. The area should be used for other then the above mentioned projects and it is designed for other experimental use. The test stand should be able to accommodate a motor with a thrust of two thousand pounds (2000 lb.).

Moon habitat.jpg

Whaleback Shoal /Island
Spaceport Wisconsin


There were three possible sights considered for the spaceport and the launch direction
would be primarily to the north, and east. The second premise is that the launch vehicles
would be of the Single Stage to Orbit, or Second Stage to Orbit
type. The three sights are as follows:

  • Shoreline off of Sheboygan, Wisconsin south of South Pier.
    A platform could be built similar to a oil rig platform used through out the
    world, but much larger in area.

  • The northern shoreline of Washington Island, Door County, Wisconsin
    This location has adequate harbor adjacent to the area.

  • Whaleback Shoal a submerged shoal twelve miles west of Washington Island,
    Door County, Wisconsin. This is the most challenging and will require the
    greater part of the study. The project would require the building of the Shoal
    into an island thereby creating a new island in the Bay of Green Bay, which
    would most likly be called "WhalebackIsland".
    This Island would be Two miles long from east to west and one half mile wide
    north to south.


This project Has been put on hold because of no responce to inquiries that were sent out.
We hope to reactivate this study at a later date.

©2022 Sheboygan Space Society.

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